Order Seeds and Plants
It's time to buy seeds for your 2017 garden. Here's a list of companies with their phone numbers and websites for your ordering pleasure. If your favorite is not listed, please share it in the comments.
Whatever you imagine, online stores and mail order catalogs can help you plan and put it all together.
Seeds of many native plants, perennials, wildflowers, herbs and cold weather vegetables can be started any time through February and be ready to plant out in the garden after the last freeze.
When you know what will be on your list, check out a few vendors, their prices and shipping costs. Many offer free shipping for large orders.
If you are avoiding GMOs, order open pollinated and heirloom varieties. Vegetables in particular, can be easier to grow if you choose the disease resistant varieties.
Almost all the online and catalog stores have monthly email newsletters where they offer growing tips, sales and other useful information. I set up a separate email address to keep them separate.
Many seed and plant suppliers are online only; companies that offer free print catalogs are marked with an asterisk.
Chiltern Seeds, www.chilternseeds.co.uk (unique British selections)
Easywildflowers, www.easywildflowers.com, 417-469-2611 (MO)
Eden Brothers, www.edenbrothers.com, 828- 633 - 6338
Eden Brothers, www.edenbrothers.com, 828- 633 - 6338
Jelitto Perennials, http://jelitto.com (German perennials)Johnny’s Selected Seeds, www.johnnyseeds.com, 877-564-6697 *
Kitazawa Seed, www.kitazawaseed.com, 510-595-1188 (Asian vegetables) *
Missouri Wildflowers, http://mowildflowers.net, 573-496-3492 * (MO)
Native Seeds, http://www.nativeseeds.org, 520-622-5561
Park Seeds, Jackson & Perkins & Wayside Gardens, www.parkseed.com, 800-845-3369Native Seeds, http://www.nativeseeds.org, 520-622-5561
Sand Hill Preservation Center, www.sandhillpreservation.com, 563- 246-2299 (heirloom chickens & seedbank)
SandMountain Herbs, www.sandmountainherbs.com (herbs, medicinals) owns www.herb-roots.com (plant roots)
Select Seeds, www.selectseeds.com, 800-684-0395 *
There are dozens more companies than I can be list here. Identify what you are looking for, search for it and find new providers. The more you order from a single source, the more you save in shipping.