And, Still They Bloom
It's a miracle that so many flowers continue to bloom in a week of 105-degree days. But, bloom, they do.
The Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium purpureum) is just about finished but the butterflies seem to find one last drop of nectar.
Globe Amaranth (Gomphrena globosa) puts on a show whether or not we water that bed on the other side of the veggie garden. If we water, they stand taller but talk about heat and drought tolerant! And, they are all volunteers.
Sweet Williams (Dianthus Barbatus) is one of my favorite plants. These I started using Ivy Garth seed and the ones that made it into the ground have been a big success. They stand up to the heat. If they aren't watered soon enough they stop blooming but bloom the day after water from the hose hits them.
A tip of the trowel to Botanical Interests for publishing a fall herb and vegetable planting guide. Check it out here.
Hume Seeds vegetable fall planting guide is here.
Fall Wildflower planting info from American Meadows is here.
As soon as temperatures come down a bit and the soil cools, you will want to plant something. You know you will. Start the seeds now for planting in a few weeks. Just keep them out of full, direct sun. It's too hot for them, too.
The Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium purpureum) is just about finished but the butterflies seem to find one last drop of nectar.
Globe Amaranth (Gomphrena globosa) puts on a show whether or not we water that bed on the other side of the veggie garden. If we water, they stand taller but talk about heat and drought tolerant! And, they are all volunteers.
Sweet Williams (Dianthus Barbatus) is one of my favorite plants. These I started using Ivy Garth seed and the ones that made it into the ground have been a big success. They stand up to the heat. If they aren't watered soon enough they stop blooming but bloom the day after water from the hose hits them.
A tip of the trowel to Botanical Interests for publishing a fall herb and vegetable planting guide. Check it out here.
Hume Seeds vegetable fall planting guide is here.
Fall Wildflower planting info from American Meadows is here.
As soon as temperatures come down a bit and the soil cools, you will want to plant something. You know you will. Start the seeds now for planting in a few weeks. Just keep them out of full, direct sun. It's too hot for them, too.