Perennial Divisions to Share and Receive

When we think of pass-along plants we have received from family and friends, we think of daffodils, salvia, lilies, roses, daylilies, coral honeysuckle, hosta, lily of the valley, iris, crocosmia, blackberry vines, sedums, succulents and a dozen other plants that have to be divided to remain healthy. Those are some of the plants from our yard that now grow in others' gardens.

Phlox paniculata in our garden
Pass-along plants are divisions of gardeners' favorites that have been divided from their gardens. Most of us have a wide variety of these local favorites growing in our gardens, yards and borders. 

The one reminder I have for you about pass-along plants is that they are being divided and shared because they spread in their previous garden home. In my case, that doesn't always mean they thrive in the conditions we have on our rocky soil and casual watering schedule.

Pass-alongs are a great way to share and experiment with new varieties because they are proven to survive in your growing zone. One, upcoming opportunity to buy locally grown plants is at the 
2018 SpringFest at Woodward Park
Tulsa Garden Center
April 13 and14

Plant intake is on Thursday, April 12, 2018 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pmThose who contribute plants can purchase plants up to two plants from the tent after 12:00 pm on Thursday.

Iris divisions are easy to share
Preprinted labels can be requested from Richard Wollmershauser, or 918.299.1196 by specifying the plant name, lighting (sun, shade or both), type of plant (annual, perennial, or tropical), color. Pricing will be done by the LTG volunteers for consistency. Blank labels will also be available at the TGC and Linnaeus Barn. Labels should be put on as late as possible and kept clean and dry.

Pots will be available in 3 sizes (4, qt & gal) in the Linnaeus Barn.

The more plants we have, the more we can contribute to the Tulsa Garden Center funding.

In 2017, we earned over $8,900!  This was significant increase over 2016.  We felt this increase was due to all the wonderful plants the affiliates and other gardeners donated.  We sold over 3,000 plants!

Spirea shrub roots - divided and shared
I grew plants for this sale a few years ago and must have chosen the wrong thing because most of my plants were still sitting there at the end of the sale. They did not go to waste though. Another nonprofit scooped them up to plant in community gardens. 

There are usually 50 or 60 vendors at SpringFest with plants, crafts and food. If you want to buy from WildThings Nursery's native plant list Marilyn and Ken will be there. I usually pre-order from her website plant list and pick up my order at the festivals. 

Whether you want to contribute, purchase or both, feel free to join in the fun of new gardening adventures.


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