Tomato Plants by Lisa Merrell

If you have not been to their new location it is
2515 W 91st St Tulsa, Ok. 74132
Here's Lisa's announcement this morning -
From now until May 14th we are going to extend our hours to be open on Sundays!
End of Season Hours:
Monday - Saturday 9am-5:30pm
Sunday 10am-4pm
Our Spring Season is on its tail end. Since the weather for April turned soggy and cold I bet some of you out there have not planted your gardens yet. I know I haven't! Since I have more greenhouse space this year I was able to grow even more plants. We still have a full selection of big,healthy, beautiful plants waiting for your gardens.
Also, I'm offering a Mother's Day Special!!!
Buy One 20 gallon "Smart Pot" and 2 bags of Black Gold Potting soil Get the tomato plant for free
Total Cost is $40.
I am going to send out an educational piece about the Smart Pots later today. But trust me they work! I am now growing our seed stock in them. The pots are reusable for at least 5 years.Lisa Merrell (918) 446-7522