Pine Ridge Gardens Has Woody Plants for Butterflies
Woody perennials for attracting and feeding butterflies will come back for years to bring the flying flowers into your garden. Pine Ridge Gardens in London Arkansas has a handy chart on their website that explains what to plant for whom. Click on the link to see the entire list of plants you can order to enhance your chance of raising butterflies this summer. Woody plants for food for caterpillars with each plant's botanical and common name Amorpha fruitcosa Lead plant Dogface, Gray hairstreak Aronia melanocarpa Black chokeberry Striped hairstreak Asimina triloba Paw Paw Zebra swallowtail Aristolochia macrophylla Bigleaf pipevinePipevine swallowtail Aristolochia tomentosa Dutchman's pipevine Pipevine swallowtail Carpinus caroliniana Ironwood, musclewood Red spotted purple, tiger swallowtail, marine blue Carya illinoiensis Wild pecan Gray hairstreak Carya ovata Shagbark hickory Banded hairstreak Ceanothus ovatus Inland NJ Tea duskywing Celtis tenufolia Dwarf hackberry Question ...