Good News for Montana Environmentalists
Grist reports that a 500-acre Nature Conservancy/Trust for Public Land deal in Montana is the largest in U.S. history.
The two entities are paying Plum Creek Timber $510 Million for the land. Habitat for grizzly bears, lynx, moose, wolverines and bull trout will be created. The lumber company will continue to remove timber using sustainable methods.
Montana Senator Max Baucus (D) added a tax-credit-bond-mechanism to the new farm bill and used it in the transaction. The Farm Bill feature allows non-profits to receive federal land purchase money through conservation grants.
There is also the new Oklahoma Centennial Botanical Garden under construction north of Tulsa.
It will become one of America’s most diverse botanical gardens with 60 acres of gardens and features. The remainder of the 240 acres of ancient forest and prairie will be preserved for historical and ecological significance. Scientists say the site has 400 plant species, sandstone 400-600 million years old and clay 15 million years old.
It isn't open yet but they have some events already.
that are worth attending.