Waxed Amaryllis bulb - a no-water selection

And, the bulb flowers for up to 6-weeks. Here's a link to the company on-site catalog section where they are featured http://www.amaryllis.nl/pages/catalogus_index.php?categorie_id=5
At the this week held 2013 fall edition of FloraHolland Trade Fair the company also showed Velvet Touchz and Wrapz amaryllis’, trade names that speak for themselves.
The original pay-off ‘no water needed’ is now upgraded. The umbrella brand for Waxz, Velvet Touchz and Wrapz will be in the future No Water Flowers.
Consciously the original plant name is set aside, as amaryllis is associated with the fall and winter seasons. No Water Flowers will be sold for a much longer period.
The Waxz and Velvet Touchz No Water Flowers could also be seen at the official New Varieties and Concepts showcase of the 2013 fall edition of FloraHolland Trade Fair.
I didn't know that this is even possible!!
Next year or a one off?
Cool for hospital visits and similar short-term flowers.
Bought an Amaryllis bulb with wax for my mom.
Love it. My daughter said quote " you wont find anything like that in the USA" LOL
Our little town of Muskogee OK will have a German grocery soon when Aldi opens this winter - even more European items to choose from!
How is yours doing?
I have seen them in the US now. This blog entry is 2 years old and they weren't as available then.